Cattle bred and developed to thrive in a real world environment.

Creating the genetics today that will keep you profitable tomorrow.
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South Mountain Cattle

Our goal is to offer genetics that make commercial cattlemen more profitable.

We focus on breeding and developing cattle that thrive in native range environments. Our cattle are bred for multi trait balance, with maternal traits as our top priority. Each animal on our ranch is the result of a thoughtful and intentional mating decision, and has been raised, and stress tested in a real world environment.

Our Genetics

Our calf crop is 100% artificial insemination (AI) sired. We believe in using the best genetics we can find. We spend countless hours researching sires, and then use a blend of art and science to make mating decisions. Each cow’s mating is individually considered. We do not believe in chasing fads or extremes. We are focused on balanced genetics, with maternal traits being our top priority.

Our Environment

We believe it is critical to our success to stress test our cattle in a real world environment that is as similar to our customers as possible. Our cows run outside all year, with the exception of the time they are at the home ranch to be AI bred. All cows and heifers calve outside without assistance.

2025 Bull Sale

We believe you deserve access to the very best genetics, and to cattle that have to make a living in a real world environment every day.